I wanted to design the Vehicle Robbery script that allows the user to own the car, but it still poses a chance of being a victim after the job is completed. I think I have came up with a great solution through using Vin Numbers that can be removed from the vehicle to allow police to locate the criminal who did the dirty work!
After a week of research and over 1000 lines of code, this is the product that was developed! I hope you like it!
I wanted to create a Vehicle Robbery script that allows the player to own the car but still has a added risk after the job is done. I believe I found a good medium with the introduction of Vin Numbers that can be scratched from the vehicle allowing Police to still find the dirty criminal afterwards! Features:
Open Source 20 different starting locations 30 different cars more can easily be configured in the config Wide Config Low MS around 0.00 – 0.01 idle and 0.01 – 0.02 on use (Can go around 0.05-0.06 when spawning the peds) Configured for both Ox and GHmatti Configured for QB and BT Target Custom UI Comes with police checks so they can search for destroyed Vin Numbers Car Hacking Car blips so police can see the blips (untill the crims remove it by hacking)´ Config:
You can configure all positions in the config You can enable debugging mode in Config to see if all polyzones match up Car chances Decide whether to use ox or Ghmatti Decide whether to use bt or qb target Configure how many cops needs to be on Configure max price A lot of peds options to choose weapons, peds and more!
preview video of qb-vinscratch
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